Parenting While Grieving

Webinar Recording from March 25th

As a parent, you don’t have the luxury of worrying only about yourself and your emotional well-being. It is your job, in good times and bad, to attend to the needs of your child as well as your own. Putting your child’s needs first is a no-brainer, so when something bad happens, it feels natural to set your own on the back burner.

The purpose of this webinar is to help you balance your grief needs with the needs of the children in your care. It may seem counterintuitive, but taking care of yourself is actually one of the wisest and most responsible decisions you can make during times of grief, loss, and hardship.

Topics covered in this webinar include:

  • Continuing connections with deceased loved ones
  • The importance of modeling
  • Secondary Loss
  • Addressing barriers to coping
  • Expanding your understanding of coping
  • Making a plan and conceptualizing progress

Registration for this webinar includes the following:

  • An invitation to the live webinar event
  • PDF copy of our Parenting While Grieving mini-Workbook
  • Access to the webinar recording and notes pages

See FAQs below for additional details

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect from a WYG webinar?
We hope you'll find our webinars informative and useful. We want all participants to end the webinar feeling that they've discovered new ideas and new ways of looking at grief, grief support, and grief coping. Further, we strive to equip participants with practical tools, useful resources, and creative outlets for coping with grief. We've participated in enough webinars to know it's easy to get distracted. For this reason, we work hard to create an engaging webinar experience by utilizing appealing presentation formats, real-life illustrations, and participant conversation.
What if I can't make the live webinar?
That's okay! Registration includes an invitation to the live event and long-term access to the webinar recording and notes pages. Within a week of the live event, all registrants will receive an email informing them that the recording and notes pages are available. At that time, you can log back into this site and watch the recording at your convenience.
What's the live webinar experience like?
The first thing to note is that this is a webinar. Unlike virtual meetings you may have attended in the past, webinar participants cannot be seen or heard. Instead, participants have the option to engage in discussion and ask questions in the 'Chat' section. Additionally, this webinar will incorporate presentation slides and a PDF workbook. Participants will be granted access to all materials including slides, workbook, and webinar recording within a week of the live event.
How can I access the live event?
The live event will take place using the webinar platform Zoom. We will provide instructions for accessing the webinar once you have registered for the event. We will also email you before the event and remind you to tune in.

Your Instructor

Eleanor and Litsa
Eleanor and Litsa

Hello, we are Litsa and Eleanor, the co-founders of the website, What's Your Grief. Thank you for joining our online learning community. We hope some of what you find here will help you understand grief an grief coping a little bit better.

We are what we like to refer to as 'grief friends.' We both have backgrounds in mental health and plenty of experience working in the field of grief and bereavement. But what we ultimately bonded over was our shared experience of losing a parent to cancer in early adulthood. All our webinars and online courses are based on the ideas and information we've found most helpful in our personal grief, and in our daily work with grieving people.

We teach all our webinars and courses, so we should probably tell you, we prefer to talk about grief and loss in realistic and regular ways. If you're looking for transformative butterflies and sympathetic head tilts, I'm afraid you've come to the wrong place. Sometimes we're serious, and sometimes we joke, sometimes we're matter of fact, and sometimes we're philosophical. No matter what, though, we believe your experience with grief should always be recognized and respected, not patronized.

Course Curriculum

  Recording, Notes, and Resources
Available in days
days after you enroll

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